Return to Kadenburg

Return to Kadenburg - T.E. Ridener this is book 2 of the series and I loved it, wowsers so many adorable men to love!

This book starts were The Truth about Kadenburg finished, it's full of action, twist plots and another damn cliff hanger....

Presley and Lorcans relationship developed in this book and was great reading about them but I adored Dimitri and Rutley, I hoped it was going to develop a certain way even though it seemed wrong on another level, I liked how the characthers fought and questioned certain events, which makes things more realistic - even if they are shifters!

I think the Author has written an amazing story that has action, romance, shifters and a lot of emotion and lovable characthers that played out in my head like watching a film. I can't wait the next book comes out.

Five vampy and racey stars