Beg Me to Slay

Beg Me to Slay - Lisa Kessler That was definitely page turner, so many twists!

Gabe is a PI that looks into paranormal too, maybe that's because his a slayer, Tegan, yes Tegan that is like Megan with a T!! Lol, well she's troubled she was attacked and now her attacker is back, but he was no human, he was a demon......and he wants her!!

Gabe is on her side but his very bossy and insists he stays with her, she's having none of that, well for a while at least. There relationship developed so nicely and it wasn't all sweetness lots of ups and downs that gave it a realistic side.

There is lots of action in this book along with the romance but I can't say too much as I don't want to ruin story but this book will keep you intrigued and it's very well written, I will definitely read this author again.

4.5 vampy and racey stars

I received an arc of this book for an honest review