
Blacque/Bleu - Belinda McBride Well lets be honest here, a vampire and a werewolf falling for each other and it's man on man love, what could be more perfect a combination of some of my favourite genres :)


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Arcadia is a special town it's home to humans and many mystical folk, it has rules though, it's as if the town is charmed as once you enter it wants to protect you, but not in a bad way like your a prisoner, you can leave but if you do it's protection you lose. This must be why bleu the vamp and blacque the werewolf and his pack all reside there.

Bleu and blacque have been neighbours for years secretly looking and caring for each other, circumstances mean that they get it on eventually and it's hot hot hot when they do. As things go in relationships short or long feelings occur.

Blacque has a major problem his dad wants him to train to be alpha and father a few children, to make things worse his still in the closet. Bleu has issues too.

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***Please nobody flag me for this pic :) it perfect for this book, bleu looking at blacque, with the moon in background.***

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it showed emotions well, characters well defined, a good story and some seriously hot man on man loving **fans self**

So if your looking for a paranormal gay love story, with some angst and adventure/danger this book would fit the bill.

Will be looking up this author to see what else she has to offer.

**i received ths book from netgalley for an honest review**